How To Reduce Money Anxiety & Feel More in Control!

Money Anxiety

Mental accounting is an economic concept that has gained recognition over the past thirty years. Popularized by economist Richard Thaler, mental accounting describes how we often mentally segment money for different purposes despite the fact that our money is fungible. In other words, the money coming into our lives — income, bonus, gifts, inheritance — […]

Are you worried about your parents’ finances?

worried about your parent's finances

When working with diverse ages of people, I hear all sorts of concerns: everything from how to manage spending to how to save for a lifestyle change. Lately, I’ve been hearing more about another looming anxiety: parent finances.  Are you worried about your parents’ finances? This is an often overlooked and under-discussed area of a […]

What is Asset Allocation? And Why It’s Important for Your Investing.

what is asset allocation?

With every client, my goal is to create a tailored investment strategy that manages what we can control. After considering variables like investment fees, taxes, and comfort levels with volatility and risk, we often settle on something called an asset allocation. The term gets thrown around a lot, so I want to delve into the […]

The Next Millionaire Next Door: A Book Review

millionaire next door

The Next Millionaire Next Door: Enduring Strategies for Building Wealth by Thomas J. Stanley, Ph.D. and Sarah Stanley Fallaw, Ph.D. There are countless books available about “how to get rich”: Invest in this fund, buy this piece of real estate, whatever. Don’t you find them all a bit… out of reach? I know I do. […]

Financial Windfalls: Take it Slow!

financial windfalls

“What would you do if you suddenly had a million dollars?” Everyone’s asked the “What if” question when it comes to financial windfalls. Receiving an unexpected sum of money is something we dream about. And sometimes, monetary surprises (and annual events) do happen: you receive an annual bonus, your restricted stock vests at work, you […]

Happy Money: A Book Review

happy money

Some Thoughts on the Book Happy Money Finally! A book packed with insight on how to make the best use of our money. We’ve all heard plenty of anecdotes here and there, but Happy Money: The Science of Happier Spending breaks down the “why?” on many of those intuitions we have about spending money. What […]

Your Relationship with Money

your relationship with money

Where did you learn what to do with money? By default, family, friends, and the media often shape what we do or do not do with our own money. Some have called these our money “beliefs” or “scripts”. As money philosopher Jacob Needleman says, “Everyone is weird about money!” I would agree and add that […]

Podcast Interview: The Role of Money in Our Lives (VoiceAmerica)

the role of money in our lives

In November 2018, I was interviewed for VoiceAmerica’s “On Living“: a podcast dedicated to exploring the trauma and beauty of being human. What better forum for talking about the role that money plays in our lives? In the interview, we explore the role of money in our lives: how our belief systems, values, and conflict play […]

Pay off Debt or Save? What should I do with my extra money?

pay off debt or save

Raise your hand if you’ve seen a headline like this recently: “How I paid off $100,000 in one year”. Inspiring, isn’t it? But how realistic is paying down debt fast when you have other financial goals to reach? Should you pay off debt or save instead? Read more.

What is Long Term Disability Insurance Coverage? Do I Need It?

Disability Insurance Coverage

What would you think if you knew you had a 1 in 4 chance of experiencing a debilitating illness or accident during your working life? The statistics are debatable, but if you’re like me, you’re shocked that the risk is much higher than you thought. That’s what disability insurance coverage is for.  When we hear […]