Empowering Your Financial Life with Money Scripts

Money scripts are a favorite topic of mine because they’re so integral to our financial planning process with clients. They are a starting point for understanding how we think about money. By shining a light on our money scripts, we can identify how they shape and influence our financial decisions. While many money scripts can […]

The Power of Perspective: Reflecting on Past Achievements vs. Future Goals

looking at steps

I recently read Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy’s enlightening book, The Gap and The Gain. The central theme is adopting an attitude of appreciation and gratitude in place of one that dwells on deficits—a valuable lesson in both our personal and professional lives. In this post, I’m going to apply the principles from the book […]

Why is it so easy to spend money?

It’s a month after the holiday season and looking at your credit card bill probably makes you cringe. All that money, gone. Sure it was to buy presents or go out to dinner with out-of-town guests or send your yearly holiday cards, but the amount still makes you feel hungover. Why is it so easy […]

What Happens When You Embrace Your Money Regrets

We’re all familiar with the motto of living with “no regrets.” It means you should always make choices that you can live with for the rest of your life. And when you don’t … well, we’ve all seen that scene in a movie when someone is on their deathbed wishing they had spent less time […]

How a Scarcity Mindset Impacts Your Finances

scarcity mindset money

The other day, I found myself looking at real estate listings. I was searching for apartments with more square footage. Isn’t this what everyone in New York does? Dreams about a bigger place to live?   But after a minute, I stopped myself. Why was I looking at new places when we lived in a perfectly […]

What Should I Do with My Money? 

what should I do with my money

What should I do with my money? This is one of the most common questions that clients have when they come into financial planning work. And, for better or worse, it’s a question I really can’t answer for them!  Lurking beneath this question is another, more central one: Am I doing the wrong thing with […]

Value Your Time More to Increase Happiness and Wealth

value your time

We spend our days making constant trade-offs between time and money. Together, they’re the most important resources we have, and yet throughout our lives they seem to be at constant odds with each other. Cook at home or order takeout? Take on that extra project at work, or spend more time with the family? The […]

How Will This Crisis Change You (And Your Financial Plan)?

how will this crisis change you

The recent global pandemic has thrust one thing to the forefront in our lives: uncertainty. Uncertainty over whether our health will be impacted or not. Uncertainty over what the fallout will be. Uncertainty over what life will look like after shelter-at-home is lifted. It is a defining moment in all of our lives.  It is […]

The Power of Incremental Change in Your Financial Life

incremental change

I’ve recently become enamored with the concept of incremental change, and how it impacts our financial lives. The idea resonates with me because it’s so simple: small steps, day in and day out, lead to HUGE change. Huge change (good or bad) comes from the compounding effect of all these little actions.  James Clear talks […]

A Reflection on Money: Your Year in Review

reflection money

A new year is upon us, and with that comes the natural desire to look back on what we’ve done with our money: have we accumulated the wealth we’ve wanted? Stuck to the savings plan we’ve designed? Spent in a way that is in line with our goals? Big questions like these can seem overwhelming […]