What Happens When You Embrace Your Money Regrets

We’re all familiar with the motto of living with “no regrets.” It means you should always make choices that you can live with for the rest of your life. And when you don’t … well, we’ve all seen that scene in a movie when someone is on their deathbed wishing they had spent less time […]
What is a Money Script? And What are Yours?

You would think that, as a financial planner, I would know my own money script. After all, money is what I think about almost all of the time! But, maybe not surprisingly, I didn’t know what I thought I knew about myself and money until I took a course on money scripts. As I’ve reflected […]
Happy Money: A Book Review

Some Thoughts on the Book Happy Money Finally! A book packed with insight on how to make the best use of our money. We’ve all heard plenty of anecdotes here and there, but Happy Money: The Science of Happier Spending breaks down the “why?” on many of those intuitions we have about spending money. What […]
Your Relationship with Money

Where did you learn what to do with money? By default, family, friends, and the media often shape what we do or do not do with our own money. Some have called these our money “beliefs” or “scripts”. As money philosopher Jacob Needleman says, “Everyone is weird about money!” I would agree and add that […]