What Are the Money Stories We’re Telling Ourselves?

I won’t survive without a full-time job that pays benefits. I’m going to cling for dear life to whichever job I’m lucky to get. People go broke if they go even a moment without full-time work, so if I ever do need to leave my job for whatever reason, I need to have something else […]
What is a Money Script? And What are Yours?

You would think that, as a financial planner, I would know my own money script. After all, money is what I think about almost all of the time! But, maybe not surprisingly, I didn’t know what I thought I knew about myself and money until I took a course on money scripts. As I’ve reflected […]
How To Reduce Money Anxiety & Feel More in Control!

Mental accounting is an economic concept that has gained recognition over the past thirty years. Popularized by economist Richard Thaler, mental accounting describes how we often mentally segment money for different purposes despite the fact that our money is fungible. In other words, the money coming into our lives — income, bonus, gifts, inheritance — […]
Podcast Interview: The Role of Money in Our Lives (VoiceAmerica)

In November 2018, I was interviewed for VoiceAmerica’s “On Living“: a podcast dedicated to exploring the trauma and beauty of being human. What better forum for talking about the role that money plays in our lives? In the interview, we explore the role of money in our lives: how our belief systems, values, and conflict play […]
Talking About Money With Your Partner: 5 Questions To Ask

Picture this typical scenario: Sara and Joan have just gotten married and want to buy a house within the next year or two. They’ve had some initial discussions about their mutual finances, but lose steam when the conversation becomes complicated. Sara hasn’t given Joan the actual figure of her student loan debt, and Joan hasn’t […]